Back-to-School preparation you do all year.
Here's why -
Did you know that if you're in an accident, your kids could be
taken into protective custody until the police can figure out who has legal authority to take
them, even if you've named legal guardians for them in your will?
That's because the people who spend time with your kids don't have that authority
To make sure your kids are not taken into the care of strangers, even for a minute, you must set up a Comprehensive Kids Protection Plan. And you must put in place a well-considered estate plan that ensures your assets are immediately and privately available to your loved ones and usually, a simple will is simply not good enough.
When you and your spouse meet with us for a Family Wealth Planning Session, you will choose the right guardians for your kids and avoid making any of the 6 common mistakes most families (and even regular lawyers) make when naming legal guardians.
Be one of the first 3 to schedule in August and we'll waive our regular $750
planning session fee. Plus, you'll take home a free Family Emergency ID Card, which gives
important information to authorities in the event of an accident so your kids are in the right hands. Put it in your wallet and know they will always be taken care of by people you love.
Thank you to Suzan A. Colgan, Esq. Attorney and Counselor at Law 760 231 8716
for her advice.